Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Journey in Chess, So Far...

I started playing in Dec 2010. I remember I was fascinated by all those beautiful combo moves. Sac this, sac that, go for the King, checkmate! You know, all those fascinating maneuvers. I had some very very enjoyable games. With my arsenal, I managed 1600+ within 2 months of my playing. Then I hit the wall. Playing with 1800+ wasn't what I expected. They developed their pieces regardless of what I threw at them. They weren't afraid to make exchanges. And I usually went down to an end game in a hopeless situation. Sometimes, I didn't even know what actually happened. Those types of games were just out of my reach.

I knew I had to up my arsenal to continue playing better players. I stopped my games and started with the legendary book by Irving Chenev. He taught me about development, patience and building small positional advantages before launching a full scale attack. I started to apply his theory and guess what? I lost most of my games... I found it difficult even playing lower rated players. I couldn't understand why! Every move I made, I saw a weakness in my position. Most of the time, the opponents would take advantage of it and I would be in a defending role throughout the game. 
I knew something was very wrong, until I learned of a magic strategy called “Counter Attack”. Yes, I previously got the concept correct: Every piece maneuver creates a weakness. And if I defend well enough, there will be a time when I can give up a pawn or a piece to mess up the opponent’s attack. And most of the time, the attacker’s piece structure isn’t as connected as the defender’s. I am happy with my games now. And most importantly, I am enjoying my games =)