Monday, October 27, 2008

What a Day

I can't remember when was the last time I met with so many people. It started with Church in the morning, lunch with friends which one came back from Thailand and going back next Sunday, visited a long time no talk friend, counseled a good friend, an impromptu counseling session by Pastor, and Yum Cha with a Cha Siew. Six sessions in total, even my girlfriend can't believe how energetic I was today. Now, I'm beat.

Today has been a day of people and feelings, something that I am totally not good at nor good with. My recent psychological test on empathy on humans feelings scored only 4 out of 100, one of the lowest scores ever seen by my Pastor. I amaze myself at what I have achieved today. I guess God has His way to guide me to become a more wholesome person. I am usually not interested in people, how they feel, what they think. But today, I am forced to lend an ear to my good friend and try my best to give him some suggestions. In the end, I guess all he needed was someone to talk to. Funny thing was that right after I helped him, it was my turn to be helped. It started with a casual chat with Pastor. We talked about my primary school days and dug out some important facts of why I am as logical as I am now with very little emotions and feelings.

I guess that in the end, everyone needs help someway or another. I am very honoured to have helped and be helped both at the same day. I have to admit that we all need help sometimes, we can't do everything on our own, no matter how capable we think we are. In the end, we all still long for love. We are humans after all.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Purpose in Life

For 5 months I have worked, for 5 months I have been complaining. Until I came across a book that tells us how childish people are to complain about God's good intentions to teach them to grow up. That He puts us into situation that He deems good for our well being, to help us mature. Many a times, we avoid these situations because it is usually hard, and the real reason is that we are scared to face it. Avoidance is the easy way out. It makes us feel that we are in control. It helps us avoid the fact that we are weak and helpless. Men do not like to feel weak. No no, not in this modern society where status matters, and in fact, it's everything! To think about that, men has placed our own self-worth on status that we lose sight on who we really are. The truth is that the harder we try to package ourselves into who we want to be, the more we don't know who we really are. If you believe that there is a God, this is easy to explain: God created humans. if you want to know who you are, know first who your maker is, He created you. Knock and you shall find, easy!

Don't lose sight on who you are. You know where to find the answer. You won't find it looking at yourself, look above you. Good luck.