Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Renewing Life

Every now and then, I wake up and realize that I’ve become a better man.

Striving to become the-best-version-of-myself isn’t an easy path. It is however, a highly fulfilling path. I have inner-peace doing what I do and this links me to the meaning of life: Life is given, thus we can never keep anything. All will be lost when we breathe our last. So since we can never keep anything, we do just the opposite: We give! We give our time to the people that matter to us; we give our strength and focus to a career that utilizes our natural talents; we give time to nurture ourselves so that we can inspire others to do so. We nurture our body, keeping it healthy, fit and good-looking; we nurture our minds by surrounding ourselves with wise friends and good books; we nurture our emotions by giving genuine love and in turn, be loved; we nurture our relationship with God, who is the designer of who we are and what we are meant to do while our time on earth.

I enjoy this path to fulfillment. It is not easy. However, it is worth every single effort. If you think the same as I do, please let me know, we’ll need comrades along the way to support one another :) 

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