Thursday, December 1, 2011

Learn Good Habits Young Before Our Bodies Deteriorate

I don’t have eternity to do the things I want to achieve. I’m already on the course of expiry. Make every moment count, especially in my spiritual life. The reason is simple. If I cannot honor my God today, say in reading the Word of God, in meditation, in giving thanks, in living a Christ-centered life, in spreading the gospel, how can I expect myself to do these things at my old age? When I am old and fragile, filled with sickness. And sickness will become our companion as we live much longer lives than people a decade ago.

So, make it a habit to honor God, to honor our parents, to serve, to continuously improve ourselves. Start young, and life will be easier when we get old.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Taste of Being a Science Stream Student

Today, Hui Xian’s brother, Jia Ming came all the way from Kluang to teach us how to make a water rocket. He’s a sociable boy with tons of science knowledge in his skull. They are very fun (and very noisy) to be with. I can only imagine how their home operates…

At about 2pm, we brought him to lunch and then headed off to buy the materials needed to make the water rocket. In the course of the project, I still can’t believe that we made 4 trips to get the things that we forgot to buy! OMG!!!

Nonetheless, I had the chance to play with the drill, participate in the making of the rocket, enjoy the team chemistry during the assembly, listen to firsthand experiences of their school days and get wet. They led me into their world of science. I had always dreamt what would happen if I chose the science stream instead of the commerce stream. Today, they gave me a glimpse of that dream. I am very thankful that Jia Ming came. These two siblings truly are a joy to be with. I hope that he enjoyed this trip as much as I enjoyed his company. I’m sure that these two will make great teachers and wish Jia Ming all the best in his future studies.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Lesson from Dato Tony Looi

I had the privilege to hear Dato Tony Looi today. He spoke on his work, family and how he views life.

On work, he says that if you were an employee, be the best employee in the company. Learn everything that you can and be indispensable to your boss. You will then have negotiating power with the company. But if you employ people, be the best boss that you can, caring for your workers, striving for their growth and welfare. In him, I see a titan that knows what he wants to achieve and seeking ways to break possibilities. He said change and learning is never ending, cross that with humility and you will go very far. He also said that people nowadays are afraid to be taken advantage of. He doesn't mind that as long as he can build the company's image, or he can learn some precious experience out of it. He listens to the experience of old folks. They will definitely cut short your learning curve.

On family, he says that he puts family in a very high position and always reminds himself to give time to the family. And that the family is the reason for working hard. In the end, what's the point of earning the whole world without the love of the family? He also says that money should not be the utmost important element of having a business. Money will not buy you happiness. So, in our personal lives, invest time in where it matters, and that's family.

On life, I see that the will to learn is a big part of his success. A strong desire to want something is another. Having to act upon a dream is another one (this coincides with what Brother Xiao said last week). His love, responsibility to his workers and the community brings out his character to give. He encourages us to write down 30 goals that we want to achieve for the next 3 years and start to act upon it. He advices us to set targets slightly beyond our reach to break our own limits.

I have learnt a lot from today. Action has always been my weakness. I will now set realistic goals and start to become an achiever.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011



1. 健康是个恩典来的。要时时珍惜它,不要把它当成是理所当然。

2. 以后照顾病人的时候,请记得病人喜欢干净。干净会让他们觉得自己没有病得那么严重。

3. 吃对病人而言是非常重要的。那是他们唯一可以盼望的。

4. 就算在我最害怕会死掉的时候,我心里是知道我还死不去的。因为我还没有履行我在神面前的工作。神应该不会这样容易放过我的。这份使命感,我要牢牢记住。不要再荒度时光了。

5. 生病时会想起这一生所亏欠的人。平常亏心事不要做太多。


Tuesday, June 21, 2011




我还要感谢好多好多家人。你们是那么的成功,让我看到了成功所须要的好品格。Carol姐,宝珠,brother Chin Heng (谢谢你愿意听我的真情流露,糗大了)& Alicia, Datuk Tony & wife, Sherene, Alex, Vincent, Shirley (她不喜欢我叫她Datin), Mr. Ong 等等。太多太多了,我没有办法一一写上。你们的谦虚,愿意和后辈分享,慷慨,爱心,决策的能力,真诚,让我学习了好多。在你们身边,被你们深深的感染了。

