Friday, March 7, 2008

Stretch Your Comfort Zone To The Limit

I realized that no matter what we do, we have to be who we are. This encompasses all things, big and small, whether it comes to sleep, exercise, diet, work, and all. Allow me to elaborate.

It's important for us to understand who we are. For example, sleep. If we under-sleep, we get tired. If we under-sleep a lot, we get eye bags. If we under-sleep too much, we burnout. We will never get away scot-free from stealing sleep. We'll payback someday, either by sleeping more (if we're lucky), or with our health. Either way, we payback. It's the same with all things: You exercise too much, you get muscle ache; You eat too much, you get bloated; You work too hard, you get lethargic. The list goes on.

"Do what you are"

We have to keep within our comfort zone, in the long run:

After understanding who we are, understand our comfort zone, and stick within it. Of course there will be some exceptions where we give allowances: A major exam, a rushed project, urgent matters that we have to settle. But we can't go out of our comfort zone for long periods of time. As I said, we'll burnout. So, stick within your comfort zone.

Stretch your comfort zone to the limit:

I'm not promoting complacency, which brings me to this point. Everything that we do, we should give it our best. Believe me, if you try hard enough, you'll be amazed of how much you have packed in yourself.

These two points can be best illustrated in jogging. Jogging is a very humble sport. It requires one to first understand yourself, the pace that you are most comfortable with. Once you get that, you can start to stretch that comfort zone, either by running faster, or by running longer. You will then understand that running a marathon of 42 kilometers is very possible when one trains hard enough.

If you try hard enough, there are thousands of things you can accomplish. All you have to do is, understand yourself, and stretch the possibilities. It's not easy to understand yourself though. The key is to look at what God has planned for you to be best at.

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