Thursday, April 8, 2010

Today is a New Day

Today thru pastor, I finally understand the root reason of why I am so unemotional. I must remember this day.

Firstly, emotions are not all bad. They do not all lead to quarrels and bad things. Furthermore, being emotional is a normal human expression. You know, as I think back, I too find it funny of the process of me to get angry: hm... this incident is something that I should be angry > why am I not angry? > Ok, I will be angry > and I will say this this and that that to this person > alright, here goes > hey you! > and I feel bad being angry...

Secondly, suppressing my emotions has helped me survive in my childhood. It has protected me from being hurt. But I do not need to do that anymore, I have grown up and so should this outdated map. It is no longer applicable and I should revise this map into a more accurate one. Old and incorrect maps have to go, shoo!

Thirdly, I must unlock some events of the past that I have purposely or subconsciously buried and forgotten. That will free me to become a more wholesome man. That's my homework for the next 2 weeks.

Fourthly, get back in touch with my emotions but don't over explode it, kaboom!

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