Thursday, January 24, 2008

Give Space

Everyone is unique. Each with their own characters, views and pace of doing things. Some are fast movers and some laid-back; some people-orientated and some task-orientated. There can never be two completely same people. You can never find another you in this world. So, someway or another, when two come together, there is bound to be clashes.

Therefore, this is where mutual acceptance comes into place. Accepting who you are, this is how you do things. I don't like how you do it, I will never do things this way, but also understanding that you are not me, I respect that. This is called mutual respect. This is very important in a relationship, whether family, friends, husband and wife, colleagues, etc. Accepting who one IS, and respecting him for who he is.

A lot of times, clashes happen solely because of nonacceptance. And these type of clashes usually are hard to solve. It can't be solved. Maybe for a short period of time, but it will always come back. This usually happens when one forces one's view unto the other, expects the other to understand or to take action, just as he would. This expectation often leads to disappointment when the other does not fulfill the expectation. And if you are this category, please prepare yourself to be disappointed and maybe angry. Because, remember, there can never be two completely same people.

Learn to accept, respect. Give space for the other to be himself, even if you don't understand.

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